Become a member.
Thank you for showing an interest in becoming a member and helping add value to the experiences of children and young people across our Community.
To become a member, there are certain criteria that must be met. Please review these below before starting our short application:
Ordinary Members:
- To become an Ordinary Member you must be 16 or older, and;
- currently live permanently in one of these postcodes: IV21, IV22, IV23, IV54, and;
- be a current pupil, parent/carer or employee of HighLife Highland or The Highland Council (currently working with the ASG schools)
- Former pupils are eligible only if their permanent residence is in one of the above postcodes.
Junior Members
- To become an Junior Member you must between the ages of 12 and 15 and;
- currently attend Gairloch High School, and;
- currently live in one of these postcodes: IV21, IV22, IV23, IV54
Associate Members
- Associate members are Individuals or Groups wishing to support the Purposes but are not members of the organisational community as noted in the Constitution.